The Local Authority has commissioned Inspira to deliver a county-wide Careers Information Advice and Guidance Service (CIAG). This is a four year contract with funding secured for the first two years.
This contract is very different to the previous Targeted Information, Advice and Guidance contract. The new CIAG service is broken down into five different project areas with a Tracking and Follow-up function.
There are also changes to the identified groups that we will be working with.
Pre 16 they are:
• Care and Looked After / Care Leavers
• young people with LDD i.e. either a statement of SEN or an EHCP
• young people accessing the Home and Hospital Tuition service
• those attending Pupil Referral Units
• *those at risk of NEET
* These young people will be identified early in the contract through discussions with area management teams and schools.
Post 16 they are:
• young people who are at risk of becoming NEET
• young people who are NEET
We will be working with Care and Looked After / Care Leavers from Year 9 and they will be tracked until their 21st birthday; with regards to young people with LDD, again, contact will begin in Year 9 and they will be tracked up until their 25th birthday if they still have a Statement or a ‘live’ EHCP.
Briefings for area teams have taken place and a delivery manual is being developed to ensure there is a standard approach to the service.