As you move around the county, or browse our social media channels you will notice that the branding has changed, and we are now focusing much more heavily on our Company name Inspira.
We have kept the Inspira logo – used for our business to business communication, and have personalised it with the word ‘You’ to directly communicate to young people and adult audiences about what we do.
Under Inspira, Inspiring You, we will run different campaigns to help draw customers to us, and engage with existing ones in order to help you fulfil the Company’s contractual targets.
Inspira, Inspiring You is not a substitute for any of the brands associated with the services we deliver, such as National Careers Services, Route Finder, or Wheels 2 Work, but a way for us to explain what we do, and the outcome we are trying to help people achieve: Young people and adults are empowered to reach their potential in work, life and society.
Our client facing social media channels on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, and our Blog can be found by searching Inspiraforlife.
The brand extension is part of our work to support Inspira’s business growth through the implementation of a digital marketing strategy (DMS). The aim of the DMS is to help the Company reach out to new customers, while simultaneously allowing us to send existing customers on a digital journey to help us achieve the targets and outcomes we need for contracts, and keeping them engaged with us for the future. There will be a pilot running shortly, and it will be described in more detail later in the newsletter.
By now all materials relating to Advice Services should have been removed from all the centres, and badges exchanged for Inspira ones.