National Careers Service


David Leadbetter, Contract Manager for NCaS talks about the new contract, challenges and end of year results.020306677B

By the end of March, Inspira had delivered 60% of profiled targets. The end of the financial year signified the completion of the first part of the contract; while the figure reflects some of the challenges we faced delivering a brand new contract.

Though the new contract has been challenging, and there will be further challenges ahead, our achievements over the last six months show:

  • We successfully achieved 5,029 customer contacts. That is 99% of the original 5,100 target set by the prime contractor, Economic Solutions.
  • We consistently received positive feedback. Over 95% of Inspira’s customers considered the group work sessions to be ‘good’ or ‘very good’.

For this financial year there has been a change to the profile and pricing of the outcomes for the priority group customers. As a Company we need to ensure that:

  • 95% of customers have achieved a Customer Satisfaction Outcome.
  • 75% of customers are managing their career progression demonstrated  through appropriate career management evidence.
  • 25% of customers have engaged in learning or engaged/progressed in employment as a result of their contact with an advisor. The outcome needs appropriate evidence for it to be claimed.

As we gear up to another year of delivery we need to build on our achievements, and continue our learning and understanding. We need to reach our targets as the income model of this contract is ‘payment by results’, but we must also remember that in doing so we are also helping more people build their confidence, aspirations and employability prospects.





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