Inspira Column- National Careers Service

Have you recently been made redundant? Do you feel at a loss when it comes to job applications? Whether you’re struggling to find a career after a long time out of employment or searching for that all-important first job, the National Careers Service can help solve your problems by providing access to independent, impartial advice on careers and skills. SARAH WILLIAMS, Inspira’s Area Manager in Furness, talks of the benefits of using the National Careers Service, which is delivered by Inspira throughout Cumbria and North Lancashire.


Since launching in April 2012, the National Careers Service has helped adults in England drastically improve their working lives and career prospects. At the Barrow Office, we see at least 100 people a month, and we help them realise their potential by offering information and advice that is tailored to the individual’s needs.


For instance, a young woman called Nicola recently came into the Furness centre for some advice on her CV and covering letters. She wanted to demonstrate her skills gained in the hospitality industry, and how these could be beneficial for work in administrative roles. After being supported by one of our qualified professionals, she made valuable changes to her CV and covering letters, and she became confident in discussing her transferable skills.


In addition to developing your CV, other main benefits of accessing the National Careers Service include: improving reading, writing and mathematic skills; enhancing interview and presentation skills, and increased understanding of the local job market.


To make an appointment with one of our experienced advisers, please drop in to the Advice Services centre on Dalton Road, or, alternatively, you can call 01229 824052 to receive invaluable careers advice over the phone. We’re here to help people get into employment whatever their status.