Make your opinion count

After hearing your feedback from the Staff Conference, we want to change the way we communicate with each other.  The three main issues you highlighted were that you “wanted more promotion of achievements and good news”, second that you wanted to see “better communication between staff and areas” and third, that you would like to see […]

Our new tagline for clients

As you move around the county, or browse our social media channels you will notice that the branding has changed, and we are now focusing much more heavily on our Company name Inspira. We have kept the Inspira logo – used for our business to business communication, and have personalised it with the word ‘You’ […]


As part of our new digital strategy we will be using Twitter more to communicate with our stakeholders, and to keep ourselves networked with thought leaders. Although it is not mandatory that all staff have Twitter accounts, we believe that is an important platform for communicating with our target audiences as well as keeping up-to-date with […]

News from the South

Over the last few months Team South has been kept busy both delivering and receiving new training. On top of getting stuck into the new Fast Lane Route Finder courses, they’ve also been running bespoke courses in both Barrow and Kendal as part of the National Careers Service. Staff have really enjoyed delivering these courses […]

News from the West

Over the last few months our teams on the West coast have been kept busy preparing and delivering courses for Fast Lane and Fast Lane Plus. Feedback from both staff and participants has been positive and staff are now working on preparing for their next challenge – Route Finder. In May the team were commissioned […]

News from the North

It’s been a busy few months in the North – particularly in March during National Apprenticeship Week when the team put on an Apprenticeship Evening in Carlisle and Penrith, which brought together prospective apprentices and providers like Gen2, Carlisle College and RWP. April saw the introduction of Route Finder which went well and received some […]

National Careers Service

With a new contract year now upon us, so too must we strive to hit new targets and deliver on new contract requirements.  Our priority now is to attract as many new customers as possible through contacts with employers, colleges and other community groups. We are also in the throes of preparing for an Ofsted […]

National Citizens Service (NCS)

Recruiting young people to take part in our Summer programme and to hit our targets has been hard work at times. That said, our teams across Cumbria and Lancashire have risen to the challenge and will continue to drive the message out to both schools and young people that NCS is a fantastic opportunity and […]