As a consequence of the SEND reforms, Inspira bid for and won the contract to deliver an Independent Support Service in Cumbria. This puts us at the heart of supporting young people and parents to understand the new legislative framework and to empower them to participate effectively in the process. The Independent Support service will provide support and advice for a time limited period to parents and children/young people with SEN as they transition to the new Education, Health and Care Plans.
Independent Support will offer advice to those:
- going through a statutory Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment and development of the resulting EHC Plan;
- transitioning from a statement of SEN to an EHC Plan;
- transitioning from a Learning Difficulty Assessment (LDA) to an EHC Plan.
Inspira will be working collaboratively with the county’s Parent Partnership Service and the Parent/Carer Forum in order to deliver a joined-up service. Independent Supporters will offer information and advice through a combination of:
- face to face meetings which could be home visits, telephone or e-mail;
- assistance with preparing for meetings;
- support with writing letters and/or presenting views;
- explaining reports and draft documentation;
- support in meetings with school, the local authority and a range of other relevant agencies;
- help to negotiate and effectively resolve any disputes and misunderstanding;
- signposting to other relevant agencies.
Inspira will also contribute to Cumbria’s ‘Local Offer’ a detailed directory of what local support there is available for children and young people with SEND in Cumbria. The Local Offer will provide clear and accurate information about local education, health and care services, making it easier for young people and families to choose and access the services they need.
This contract requires us to recruit volunteers to work as independent supporters, if you know anyone who may be interested in volunteering please contact Deb Naylor for more information.